ibeo automotive
Ibeo, a specialist in the area of laser scanners, has provided sensors for many automakers’ advanced developments for over 20 years. It has also supplied sensors for numerous research projects, including the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the United States) Urban Challenge, where Ibeo fielded an autonomous vehicle on its own and equipped numerous autonomous vehicles of other teams participating in the challenge with LIDAR sensors. Ibeo is the market leader for developing high-tech laser scanners used for environmental detection in the automotive industry. Our engineers use their expertise to develop algorithms to process the raw data generated by the scanner to provide an object-based interface. The representation of the environment allows the implementation of different advanced driver assistance and active safety systems, such as autonomous driving, automatic emergency breaking, adaptive cruise control and pre-crash. Ibeo’s overall goal is to make our scanner available to the mass market to maximize safety and comfort for road users.
team members

Michael Kiehn
Michael Kiehn received a degree BEng Hons in Electronics Engineering with telecoms option from the University of Portsmouth in 1996 and a diploma in the same field from the University of applied science Hamburg in 1997. He joined Ibeo in 1998 as a design engineer for hard-and firmware. In 2003 Michael became head of the Ibeo sensor development department. He was involved in projects in FP5, FP6 and FP7 as member of the project consortia and as reviewer. His main interest is in the development of new LIDAR technologies for future environmental perception sensors. He is a first-time participant to the FET program.
Ünsal Kabukis
Ünsal Kabukis a design engineer for optoelectronic circuits and Systems at ibeo automotive Systems. He joined ibeo in 2003 after receiving a diploma in high frequency engineering and electronics from the University of Wuppertal (UW) in Germany in 2002. At ibeo he has contributed to system studies, hardware development and experimentation in several electro-optic areas. As a technical expert in photonics, he recently is concentrated on new technologies for the next generation automotive LIDAR systems. He is a first-time participant to the FET program.