Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
KTH has a state-of-the-art clean room for nanofabrication, device processing and characterization, featuring a new electron beam lithography system, thin film deposition and evaporation facilities, and etching systems, in particular a dedicated sputtering system for NbTiN and NbN can provide very high-quality thin films for the fabrication of superconducting detectors. The KTH quantum optics laboratory consists of six experimental setups built around four cryostats. In particular, a Bluefors dilution cryostat enables optical measurements down to 10 mK and an attocube system with a photonic probe station specially designed for long term measurements with high stability. Our experimental setups are complemented with tunable cw lasers, two wavelength and pulse length tunable OPO lasers addressing the relevant wavelength regions (80 MHz and 320 MHz), self-built low-loss transmission spectrometers, and NIR and IR superconducting single photon detectors. We also have several experimental setups for Tc measurements and for testing superconducting single photon detectors.
team members

Val Zwiller
Prof. Val Zwiller (professor, male) has a deep interest in nanophotonics and quantum optics and has published over 100 articles (google scholar h-index of 53 accessed 2019-09-15) in the field of single-photons (including 9 Nature family in the past six years). Ten PhD students have graduated to date under the supervision of Prof. Zwiller (6 now under way) he supervised the work of 14 post-docs. His last two post-docs (Nika Akopian and Michael E. Reimer) both recently set up their independent groups with tenure track positions. Prof. Val Zwiller was awarded an ERC consolidator grant in 2013 and was the coordinator of a European project on hybrid quantum systems. He was awarded VR funding to move his group from Delft in the Netherlands to KTH in 2014 and recently got the Gustafsson Prize for outstanding scientific achievement by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science as well as the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Grant.
Stephan Steinhauer
Dr. Stephan Steinhauer (Postdoctoral Researcher, male, first-time participant to FET) Stephan Steinhauer received his PhD from TU Vienna in 2014 after completing his thesis on metal oxide nanowire devices and their heterogeneous CMOS integration. Before joining KTH at the end of 2017, Stephan was working as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology OIST, Japan, supported by a fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. His current research focuses on nanofabrication and materials science-related aspects of quantum technologies, as well as on fundamental properties of excitons in metal oxide semiconductors.

Ali Elshaari
Dr. Ali Elshaari (Researcher, male) received his B.S. degree from the University of Benghazi in Electrical Engineering (2007), and Ph.D. in Microsystems Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology (2011). His research is focused on hybrid quantum integrated photonics with the goal of realizing novel high-performance quantum circuits for communication, sensing, and metrology that leverage the quantum nature of photons. Dr. Elshaari is actively working on combining single photon generation, manipulation and detection on a single CMOS compatible chip. Dr. Elshaari received number of awards recognizing his work, including a VR starting grant from the Swedish research council and a Marie Curie individual fellowship award. He has numerous publications in high impact journals, such as, Nature Communication, Nano letters, Optics Express, Applied Physics Letters and Physical Review A.