
Matthias Häußler
PhD Student
University of Münster (WWU)
Group: Prof. Carsten Schuck

How did you get involve in the SURQUID project?
As a Master’s and PhD student in the quantum technologies group of Prof. Schuck I got involved in experimental, future-oriented quantum system related research. While working on waveguide-integrated superconducting-nanowire single-photon detectors in several projects, I was able to develop experience and know-how in fields that are essential for the SURQUID projects such as laser science, nanophotonics and quantum sensing. With this background I want to contribute to realizing the exciting goals of the project.
What research do you do?
Our research focusses on the manipulation and detection of light. Especially we are interested in how this can be achieved on coin-sized silicon chips. We furthermore improve the quality and sensitivity of our techniques such that it becomes possible to work with the lowest possible light intensities. The quantum effects that inevitably occur in this regime are fundamental for innovative quantum technologies like quantum sensing, communication and computing.
What fascinated you about the possibilities, this project aims to achieve?
After more than a century of theoretical and practical research on quantum effects, it will certainly be very fascinating to see how the possibility of achieving super resolution will benefit ranging and imaging systems in everyday life situations. I think as of today one can scarcely imagine the impact that not only super resolution but also other quantum phenomena will have on numerous sectors of society like navigation and communication together with others that we don’t even know yet.